Ten Things Debaters Should Know About Economics
3118 words ~15 mins

The following was posted on csun.edu on Glen Whitman’s debate website. This is a list of ten things that debaters should know about economics. The purpose of this page is not to provide a full education in economics, but to provide ammunition for debate rounds. I have written the items in broad terms, so that the breadth of their applicability is apparent. As many of the examples indicate, economic ideas can be used in a variety of contexts (legal, political, moral, etc.

Transgender body positivity and it's loyal opposition from a cisgendered perspective. -Why all the hate?
639 words ~3 mins

#body positivity #lgbtqia+ #phobia #pen on lcd screen
“Nobody wants to see this! f****t!” A twitter user So, why all the hate? Online body positivity has gone a long way, the age of well known slurs and easy-coming insults are behind us. Queer acceptance has gone a long way, large LGBTQIA+ communities foster and feed digital positivity. A problem, however, arises when we put these together, and give homophobes and fatphobes an easy, anonymous outlet. Twitter-now X-is a cestpit, there are few and far between positive posts, and the site is a harbour for the more negative style fo free speech.

Twelve Things Debaters Should Know About Law
3860 words ~19 mins

The following was posted on csun.edu on Glen Whitman’s debate website. This is a list of twelve things (actually, twelve sets of things) that well-informed debaters should know about law and the legal system. If you know the items in the list, you won’t be a legal expert, but you’ll know enough to survive legal debate rounds. Since I am not a lawyer, I do not claim that my explanations are definitive or comprehensive.